SEEKING SCHOLARSHIP SPONSORS! Help provide this opportunity to more area students by sponsoring the scholarship program! Contact the Chamber for more information.
Scholarship Applications due April 7, 5pm.
Purpose and Criteria:
The Charlevoix Area Chamber of Commerce Scholarship is intended to provide financial support and assistance to an area high school senior that deserves assistance covering tuition expenses associated with higher education.
Number of Recipients:
Scholarship amounts and number of recipients will be determined based on total 2024 scholarship funding and number of qualified applicants; typical sponsorship award ranges from $500-$1500.
• Must be a graduating high school senior who is planning to attend an accredited vocational school, community college or university.
• Must be accepted to an accredited two or four year institution of higher learning (college or vocational school).
• Must have a 3.0 or better Grade Point Average (GPA)
• Must be either an employee of a business which is a member of the Charlevoix Area Chamber of Commerce or the child of an employee of a Chamber member business
• Immediate family members of the Chamber’s Selection Committee are ineligible to apply for the Chamber Scholarship.
Applications must include:
• Application Form
• Most recent transcript
• Copy of acceptance letter from college or vocational school
• A minimum of one written reference letter from any Chamber Member
* A minimum of one written reference letter from one of your High School teachers.
• A Personal Statement (maximum one (1) typed page) that includes a paragraph on each of the following topics.
1. Leadership: How have you demonstrated strong leadership during your high school years and been a role model for your peers?
2. Perseverance: Provide an example of a time in high school where you faced a challenge and explain how you approached the situation and the outcome.
3. Character: What adjective best describes your personal character and why did you chose this word?
4. Aspirations and Goals: Include your aspirations and goals in life and why you have chosen them, and how your education and talents could benefit the business environment of a community such as Charlevoix's.
Additional information:
• Financial need is not necessarily required for the scholarship, but may be taken into consideration by the scholarship committee.
• All students are encouraged to apply regardless of academic merit or financial need status; the scholarship committee will consider all eligible students and will base award decisions on the entire application, not just test scores, grade point average, financial circumstances, etc.
• The Board reserves the right to meet with a candidate when it is felt necessary or appropriate to complete the decision process.
Applications are due April 7th by 5pm. Applications and supporting material can be emailed to info@charlevoix.org or delivered to 109 Mason Street, Charlevoix MI 49720.
Recipients will be announced in April 2025.
Thank you to our 2024 Scholarship Sponsors
Grey Gables Restaurant & Catering
Beaver Island Boat Company
2024 Recipients:
Mr. Joshua Schultz & Ms. Felicity Sape
Past Recipients
2023: Danielle Mason
2022: Mr. Samuel Peterson, Ms. Lauren Shepard, Ms. Allison Burns
2021: Ms. Rachel Pott, Mr. Phillip Sterrett, Ms. Samantha Parrish, Ms. Alison Sape
2020: Mr. Blaise Snabes, Ms. Emma Wachler, Mr. Ben Lents, Ms. Anna Johnson, & Mr. Jack Wicker
2019: Ms. Kaitlin Schwenke,
Ms. Katie Burley, Ms. Devin Sutton,
& Mr. Eric Smith
2018: Ms. Rachel Nesburg
2017: Ms. Abbigail Babbitt
2016: Ms. Kelsey Engstrom
2015: Ms. Kourtney Putman
2014: Ms. Jill Dipert
2013: Ms. Sydney Carlson
2012: Ms. Lauren Bartling,
Ms. Anne Dipert,
Ms. Kelly Greyerbiehl,
Mr. William Jeakle
2011: Ms. Katie Mays,
Ms. Lindsy Laway,
Mr. Thomas Rich
2010: Mr. Beau Boss
2009: Ms. Meredith Rich